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Elite Art Club UNESCO is a Romanian cultural NGO based in Bucharest. Its aim is to promote the UNESCO fundamental principles by organizing complex cultural projects which meet the needs of national civil society and help develop Romania both culturally and educationally. Internationally, Elite Art Club UNESCO aims to promote global intellectual cooperation and universal cultural values.

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Full member
Jeunesses Musicales

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The organization began its activity in 2003 and in 2010 it became the sole Romanian representative of the Jeunesses Musicales International global network – the biggest non-governmental organization in the world, dedicated to promoting young musicians. All the projects of the organization are aimed at supporting and developing the careers of young artists, the main target being Romanian artists and the international promotion of their works. Elite Art Club UNESCO has contributed at internationally promoting Romanian artistic productions which have become national and international cultural landmarks.

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The organization operates mainly in the classical music and visual arts sector. Several of its projects have become yearly events such as the Classics for Pleasure Festival and the International Conducting Competition Jeunesses Musicales Bucharest – both of which have been running for nearly a decade. In 2008, following the constant development of its visual arts projects, the organization opened Elite Art Gallery, a vibrant art gallery which has become a cultural hub.

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What we do


Classics for Pleasure 2017, Sibiu

The Classics for Pleasure Festival is one of the most important musical projects of the association; a high-artistic event-project, conceived in accordance with the European trends in the show, culminating in a Proms of Delight concert, based on the BBC Proms.

Elite Art Gallery

The place where art lovers will always find exceptional artistic objects made by professional plastic artists, exhibiting the gallery's portfolio of numerous visual art projects, itinerant exhibitions, camps and mecenate programs.

8th edition of the Jeunesses Musicales Bucharest International Conducting Competition

The 8th edition of the Jeunesses Musicales Bucharest International Conducting Competition for Young Conductors aims at introducing and promoting young conductors across the spectrum of orchestral performances.

We Shop Art is a project initiated by the Elite Club Unesco Association and Elite Art Gallery in order to support and promote the contemporary plastic artists in the country and abroad. The mission of the association focuses on the promotion of young artists, by organizing ample cultural projects that expose the public to new forms of artistic expression, innovative approaches to modern art as well as values ​​already established.